Tim Key in conversation
Sunday 22nd October, The Poly Tickets: £10 and £5
Join comedian, actor and poet Tim Key in conversation about life, comedy, and his new poetry collection, Chapters​.
Tim will be talking about and reading from what he calls his least ambitious project to date. Chapters is a slim book of the crap he’s been churning out over the past eighteen months. Poems about men getting stuck in webs, poems about the ancient city of Canterbury, poems about canoodling with a rose.
He'll be talking about what, if anything, the point of it all is, and sparking a healthy debate as to whether it should be broken up into chapters and, if so, why. All of these discussions are also documented in the book, in the leftover space around the poems. The result is a splurge of words which very occasionally shine a light on modern times.
What they say:
'His brief verses range from the whimsical to the sinister . . . He is quick and mischievous... ' Guardian​
'Key locates the spot where poetry, comedy and art intersect, picnics there pleasurably, then takes a crap on it.' Adam Buxton'
'He's a genius plain and simple' Time Out
'I am jealous of my friend Tim Key. He has one of the funniest, smartest comic minds in the country. If women start finding him attractive I will hang myself.' Stephen Merchant
'[Key] is one of those rare and blessed people who seem almost biologically incapable of doing anything that isn't completely hilarious. ... a total comic genius.' Dazed & Confused
'Key is a brilliantly intelligent comic. His poems are hugely skillful, and often funnier in five lines than many comedians can manage to be in an hour on stage.' The List
About Tim Key:
Tim Key has won the Edinburgh Comedy Award, and been nominated three times for the Barry and once for the Malcolm Hardee Award for Comic Originality. On screen he plays Sidekick Simon in the Alan Partridge franchise and has appeared in The Double, Inside Number 9 and Peep Show. More recently he has been seen in Pls Like, Greed and The End of the F***ing World. Tim’s radio show Tim Key's Late Night Poetry Programme has run for years on BBC Radio 4, with a fifth series recording in Autumn. Tim also starred in Art at The Old Vic and continues to write and perform his own five star live shows. Most recently he made the critically acclaimed Megadate which he performed at The Old Vic before adapting it into a BAFTA nominated BBC1 short, with the subtly different title: Wonderdate.
Visit Tim's website, here: https://www.timkey.co.uk/